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GA4 Insights

This Looker Studio template connects with your Google Analytics 4 property and instantly gives you insights into your website or application's analytical data. This template is great for plug-and-play or to build out into your own advanced report.

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Template description

This Looker Studio template seamlessly connects to your Google Analytics 4 property, instantly providing insights into your website or application's analytics. The report allows you to dive deep into performance data while maintaining a user-friendly, lightweight design. With its sleek, usability-focused layout, you’ll impress your audience with a visually stunning and powerful report.

The template is fully native to Looker Studio (with the exception of icons), making it quick and easy to customize visuals and graphs to meet your business needs. It's also effortless to align with your brand — just swap out the logo, change the gradient bar color in the header, and you're good to go. With options to filter, cross-filter, drill down, add optional metrics, compare data to the previous period or year, and export your results, everything you need is at your fingertips.

The report is structured around 5 key topic pages:

  1. Overview – A quick snapshot of your most important metrics.
  2. Content Analysis – Gain insights into how your content is performing.
  3. Channel Exploration – Analyze your marketing efforts and returns.
  4. Location – Explore audience locations and regional metrics.
  5. Conversions – Track e-commerce performance or focus on key events/leads.

Each page offers two views: one comparing data to the previous period and another comparing it to the previous year, with seamless navigation between the two.

Main Benefits:

  • Quick and easy setup
  • Fully customizable to match your brand
  • Native Looker Studio visuals, no community visualizations (except for icons)
  • Compliant with Google Analytics API limits

As with all Data Studio Guru templates, this report excels in design, aesthetics, and usability. Whether you need a plug-and-play solution or a foundation to build your own advanced custom report, this template has you covered.

General FAQ

Can I get a refund?
The Looker Studio editor UI is very slow
How to make a copy of the template?
I can't edit the template?